
Please note that posts on AMWG's blog do not always reflect the opinions of the entire organization and its members. For an official statement about AMWG's mission, please go to About Us.

About Us

AMWG's mission is to work towards our long-term goal of the establishment of a democratic World Federal Government. We hope to achieve this by working with educational institutions and other peace groups to establish lectures, seminars, symposia, courses of study, and World Peace Institutes.

AMWG believes the only way to solve and resolve global issues is through the establishment of a democratic World Federal Government.

We believe that such a world government, could be established through a transformation of the United Nations, a World Constitutional Convention, or other legal means.

We believe that it should be democratic and federal in form, thus preserving the diversity of human society and reserving, for the nations and their governments, jurisdiction over their own internal affairs.

It should be a fair market oriented multinational union with democratically elected officials working within a frame work of law supported by non-partisan, regional peace forces, and that this union is the least likely organization of any to go to war. And, that this union will enable all peoples of the world to live in peace and to prosper as never before.

AMWG believes it is critical that world federalists must have clear and open communication to increase public awareness, understanding and support for the goal of creating a democratic world federal government.


R U Serious said...

Here we go...This sounds like a "One World Order" which the Bible warns Christians about! Lucy Weber's views and persepctives scare the HELL out of me and I worry for my family.

Andreas B. Olsson said...

Federalism is a type of limited government that respects the fundamental and necessary rights of its citizens. Though it unifies the world into a single coherent system of governance and shared Rule of Law, it would be completely inappropriate to call it "One World Order". World federalism has a core notion called subsidiarity which essentially says that people from higher up should not meddle in affairs that are none of their business. Only those clearly affected by a decision should be involved in making it. Therefore, personal religious freedom is inherent in world federalism. The state has no right to dictate how you practice in your home and amongst your family. But if you and your neighbor live by and fish in the same pond, both of you should have a say in how it's managed (and no one else).

Troy Davis said...

Dear RUSerious, from a theological point of view, where does the bible warn us about a one world order? Fact is, if you take the bible literally, it actually advocates a one world order! It says clearly that Christ is supposed to be the King of the world, in a theological monarchy, an absolute tyranny of one man, claiming to be God. That could sound very scary to anyone a bit skeptical, as many have claimed to be Jesus througout the ages, and have justified intolerance and hatred of others based on that. If you believe someone is the King of the World, and he says he is Jesus, and say he does what looks like miracles, and based on that, you persecute anyone who does not believe what you believe, is that not a big danger? A much larger realistic danger? What we are talking about is not a Theocratic Monarchy (or as some would say, a theocratic dictatorship, which is what exists in Iran today!), but even if you believe in a benevolent world dictator called Jesus in the future, we have problems to deal with until that benevolent dictator arrives. How to organise world trade, how to organise the response to diseases and pandemics, how to fight slavery and dictators and genocide, how to protect the oceans and the atmosphere from pollution etc. Why would believing in Jesus coming back one day prevent you from working to solve problems before he comes back? Does the bible say, do nothing and sleep till he comes back? Let evil do its thing until he comes back, do not be a good person, do not turn the other cheek, do not love, until he comes back? No, we cannot stop living and being good and doing good things just because one day, he will come back! So we need some sort of benevolent world authority in the meantime. So we have a choice: shall it be elitist, hidden, secret, opaque etc. or shall it be controlled via a constitution, a Bill of Rights, a parliament etc.? You can see that the latter is much preferable, also preferable to the present UN system which is inefficient, not legitimate enough, which has no constitution, bill of rights, parliament etc. If you can think of a better way to organise the world right now, to have peace and justice, please let us know. But one thing is for sure, the present system of world order is not efficient, not just, very expensive and does not manage problems well. In fact, it is more like World Disorder than World Order. When Christ is back and establishes His Kingdom, it will be, literally, a New World Order, based on his authority as King of the World. Until then, if we are decent human beings, we should replace the present Old World Disorder, by a New Just and Democratic World Order. If you want to go further, the Bible is against, not a New World Order as such since it preaches a Christic New World Order), but against a Satanic World Order. So the challenge is to create in the meantime an open, democratic, transparent, new World Order! I am looking forward to reading your reply. Troy Davis, independent consulting democracy engineer

Chuck Woolery said...

You should worry more for your family in the absence of a world federation.

Chuck Woolery said...

Troy, Good job dude!